April Showers... Bring butter + sugar to Spring Markets!

Happy April! A quarter of the way through the year… how did THAT happen!?!

Although, I have to admit, I’m actually pretty excited to be at this point because as the weather gets nicer, local vendor markets start ramping up which means that I can meet all my butter + sugar fans in person.

I absolutely love baking for people who need to be gluten-free. I love bringing food experiences back to them— bread with an actual crust that doesn’t need to be toasted to be enjoyed, cupcakes for a birthday that your kid is proud to share with her friends, and the option to just buy a single delicious Celiac-safe cookie just because it’s been that kind of a day. These are all great things… but the icing on the cake is when I get to actually meet you all at local markets. I love hearing your GF stories, sharing GF tips and recommendations, hearing what butter + sugar treats you like best, and getting ideas for what you’d like me to make more of.

Soooo, long story short, this blog post is to announce two upcoming markets where you’ll be able to find butter + sugar. Please make plans to attend the Spring on the Farm Family Festival at the Stamford Museum & Nature Center on either April 28th or May 5th. I’ll be a part of the Festival’s vendor market— woot, woot! Tickets are required for the Festival, but I have set up close to the gates at past events to be able to reach customers who aren’t attending the Festival. No guarantees, but that’s my plan! Watch my IG feed on April 28th and May 5th for updates on my exact location.

Now, what should I bring to the market??? Definitely something bright and spring-like! Mini Lemon Pound Cakes, Mixed Berry Breakfast Cake, maybe some cheerfully-decorated donuts! Stay tuned and hope to see you there!