Happy 2024! New Year, New Website!

Wha-what?! And, just like that it’s 2024! What kinds of new year’s resolutions did you make? And, how are they going???

I know lots of people make resolutions to eat healthier, exercise more, get more sleep, be more grateful, etc. etc. That’s all good and great, but let’s be honest— life gets stressful and hectic sometimes. And, that’s where my new year’s resolutions for butter + sugar come in.

This year, I have resolved to make it easier to order and easier to enjoy butter + sugar treats. To that end, I’ve streamlined the ordering process, allowing for online payment and ordering of some butter + sugar treats. I’ve created a category of treats that can be ordered & paid for online and can be picked-up as early as the next day. These Mix ‘n Match Treats are tried-and-true customer favorites— Salted Brownies, Mega Cookies, Snickerdoodle Bars, Toasted Granola, and more. Select at least 3 of these treats to create your own customized Mix ‘n Match Treat Sampler Box and enjoy them tomorrow!

Don’t worry though, full-batches of your favorites and must-haves like butter + sugar donuts and sourdough sandwich loaves are still on the menu. They’re now considered Special Orders because that’s what they are— special. Start your Special Order online via the Pre-Order Inquiry Form on the item’s shop page and we’ll take it from there. I’ll reach out to you to confirm exactly what you need and when you need it, and then I’ll be sure my baking schedule has an opening for your order. To be safe, I recommend reaching out at least one week before you need your Special Order treat.

I also plan to pop-up at markets around Stamford this year where you can always pick-up a variety of butter + sugar specialities. You can stay tuned to my pop-up dates here. Of course, I’ll still put together seasonal Special Menus throughout 2024— think Valentine’s Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and more. (Our Valentine’s Special Menu is open for ordering through Feb 6th!) Any holiday that focuses on eating— and don’t they all??— I’ll be here to help you enjoy the day more with the best gluten-free treats around.

You can always stay up-to-date on all things butter + sugar by following me on Instagram and Facebook, or by subscribing to my newsletter. AND I do plan to introduce Mix ‘n Match Treat shipping… so exciting!!!

So, yeah, the year is going to get stressful and hectic, but I promise butter + sugar will be there right beside you, doing everything our GF treats can to make things a little easier and more delicious for you every day.

Looking forward to baking for you in 2024!
