gluten-free oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

gluten-free oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

These Oatmeal Chocolate Chip cookies are a staple in my gluten-free kitchen. I have been making them ever since my son was first diagnosed with Celiac Disease over 7 years ago. They are very easy to make, don't require any crazy flour blends, and the dough can even be frozen in log-form and then sliced off to bake one-at-a-time whenever you get a cookie hankering. (Cookie hankering is a real thing, believe me you.)

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peanut butter hershey kiss cookies

peanut butter hershey kiss cookies

Peanut Butter Kisses... Peanut Butter Blossoms... Kiss Cookies... they go by many different names, but they all share the most perfect of taste combinations: Peanut Butter and Chocolate. When we first went GF, I really wanted to find a recipe for a peanut butter Hershey Kiss cookie. It's a great one to make with kids because they love unwrapping (and snitching a few) of the Hershey Kisses. And, this recipe is pretty perfect. 

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gluten-free corn cookies

gluten-free corn cookies

This one is a tough one to post. See, these cookies are something special. I mean, really, something special. They are the cookie that I get the most compliments on and the most requests for.  I bet you're wondering what they taste like. Maybe this crazy gluten-free baker just really likes corn, but in cookie form? That's crazytalk! Who wants a savory cookie? (Is that you?) Well, let me tell you who wants this cookie, you do. You and all your gluten-free friends and gluten-eating friends, to boot. So, what does it taste like? It's like creamed corn in cookie form. It's like a shortbread cookie with depth. It's like the best cookie you will ever eat. Period.

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