gluten-free peach puzzle pie

gluten-free peach puzzle pie

I checked out Cook's Country America's Best Lost Recipes at the library the other day, and was immediately fascinated by some of the crazy-sounding recipes. I mean, Chocolate Sauerkraut Cake?!?! Apparently, it's really good.... but I'm still skeptical, too skeptical to attempt to degluten that one.

But, there was one recipe that intrigued me enough to attempt: Peach Puzzle Pie. I thought the puzzle part had to do with how the pie comes apart into pieces and each piece has it's own peach, like a circular peach puzzle. Seemed like a stretch, but ok. Buuut, as I read on, it turns out that the puzzle is actually waaaay cooler than that. The "puzzle" has to do with how a melted-butter-brown-sugar-peach sauce ends up magically in an upside down ramekin. Say, whaaaattt???

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fancify your GF boxed cake mix

fancify your GF boxed cake mix

It's 7pm on a Sunday. You're wrapping up dinnertime, negotiating bath times, getting ready for pjs, and thinking about the week ahead. And, oh yeah, by the way, "Mom, tomorrow we're having a party in my class. I forgot to tell you. Can you send in a treat for me?"

You've been there, I know. I always keep a box of King Arthur GF Chocolate Cake Mix and even a tub of Duncan Hines frosting on hand... but, there are ways to make even a boxed mix something special. The techniques I'm about to share aren't exactly hard to do.... but they do take a couple of extra steps. That said, they're worth it and will give your GF kid the chance to safely taste the magic of a Hostess Cupcake. Marshmallow fluff pumped into the middle and all.

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gluten-free italian plum torte

gluten-free italian plum torte

This is a treat I look forward to making every year. And, apparently, I'm not the only one. I adapted this recipe from a NYTimes recipe, a recipe that the paper has published every year since 1983. It is an easy recipe to convert to gluten-free since it really doesn't use all that much flour-- only a cup. Bake it and enjoy. And, please, don't be shy about eating this for breakfast. It includes fruit after all. It's practically healthy!

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gluten-free corn cookies

gluten-free corn cookies

This one is a tough one to post. See, these cookies are something special. I mean, really, something special. They are the cookie that I get the most compliments on and the most requests for.  I bet you're wondering what they taste like. Maybe this crazy gluten-free baker just really likes corn, but in cookie form? That's crazytalk! Who wants a savory cookie? (Is that you?) Well, let me tell you who wants this cookie, you do. You and all your gluten-free friends and gluten-eating friends, to boot. So, what does it taste like? It's like creamed corn in cookie form. It's like a shortbread cookie with depth. It's like the best cookie you will ever eat. Period.

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gluten-free ice cream sammies!

gluten-free ice cream sammies!

I was thrilled when I first found this recipe for gluten-free ice cream sandwiches because my son had never known the thrill of those waxy vanilla ice cream sandwiches. You know, the ones wrapped all in paper? Where the ice cream inevitably melts down your arm as you quickly shove the remaining bites into your mouth? You know, the ones that signal Summer and staying up past your bedtime and having no homework and running barefoot in newly cut grass? You know what I'm talking about.

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gluten-free snickerdoodle cake

gluten-free snickerdoodle cake

Enter, the Snickerdoodle Cake. I struggled with what to call this confection really. It's not totally a cake and it's not totally a bar. A car? A bake? Wait, those are already things.... so, I'm going with "cake," since at this point in my life, it sounds more festive than a "bar."

This is an adaptation of a recipe from the Smitten Kitchen Cookbook which I highly recommend. The main adaptation is that I've converted it to gluten-free and I've played with the size of the pan you bake it in. Deb Perelman (the food blogger we all aspire to be, right?) describes these as a cross between a snickerdoodle cookie and a gooey butter cake.

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gluten-free swedish prinsesstarta!

gluten-free swedish prinsesstarta!

I decided to make this cake since one-half of my in-laws are big into their Swedish heritage and we had a festive Swedish luncheon the other weekend. I watched the contestants on The Great British Baking Show make one and I thought, "Hey, I think I could do that!" Nevermind that I don't really like marzipan and I'm not actually Swedish.

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